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Welcome Home

Beautiful Dreamer

Wild Explorer...

to your deeply

Nourished Life

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In Service to Life

Hallo Magnificent Being!

Remember running around in the rain and splashing puddles while laughing wildly as a child? Remember when we were so immersed in the thrill of existence... the joy of the untamed... and

the pleasure of being wholly alive?

that YOU is still there...

that ALIVENESS is still there...

This is an invitation to become your own MUSE... to lean into the sheer wonder of being alive in this miracle of a body, this human temple. To navigate each moment with the curiosity of a child and the wisdom of a sage...


Together we will explore the power of

Intentional States of Consciousness...

how to access again and again...

with ease...

this deep sense of Aliveness.

Come splash puddles of Joy

oceans of Bliss

and secret lakes of Ecstasy with me...

Love, Morgaine.

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I'm moved by the power of our beautiful bodies and our capacity for Bliss... our natural states of Wonder and Amazement...

Documenter of Love    (Photographer)

Witness to New Life    (Doula)

Guide of the Unknown    (Birth Educator)

Student of Inspiration    (Breath Facilitator)

Explorer of Bliss    (Pranic Living Facilitator)...

More about me HERE.

Learn more about how I serve Individuals, Couples and Birthing Families below.

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With a community of Kindred Souls we explore, play, listen, feel, attune, and discover together in ways that bring us more deeply into our

Authentic Self.

Beginning with ourselves in solo practices, we explore how to work with

our beautiful, wise bodies,

our powerful minds,

and our deep capacity for feeling.

With others... in couples' or community practices... we cultivate Relational Wisdom in the garden of our hearts...

We open the door wide to our deeply Nourished Life.

We rediscover that life is simple and we have all the tools within us already.

With the simplicity and extraordinary power of Breath,

and the bliss of somatic practices like Kindred Meditation,

we come home to ourselves.

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For Individuals
Becoming your own Muse

Immerse yourself in the glory and wisom of your body...

Reveal the living poem that is You.

Return Home to your innate Aliveness.

Within the beautiful container of a

Community of Magnificent Beings...

sharing, witnessing, exploring the Mysteries &

Intentional States of Consciousness together...

We have weekly explorations of:

Conscious Breath


Kindred Meditation

Plus a distillation of Practices that reconnect us to our Wholeness of Being. If you're wondering where to begin...

Join us here!

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Loving Couple

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For Couples
The Beloved Sessions

Bring all that Aliveness to every moment of your relationship .

(Re)Awaken Passion and ignite Authentic Presence.

Deepen in Trust.

Expand in Authentic Relating capacity

and Relational Wisdom then watch one another bloom

and bloom...

and bloom...

in the garden of Belonging.

Learn More about the Beloved Sessions &

LOVE 101 Course HERE.

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For Families
Conscious Conception & Conscious Intuitive Birthing

Imagine an entire generation of human beings that were consciously conceived, tenderly nurtured in the body of a mother whose main focus is Authentic Presence, Embodiment, Love of her own Power and Joy in her own Magnificent Body?

Imagine a world where humans arrive through the Ecstatic Bliss of birth instead of fear and pain...

I can see this world...

it's closer and more simple than we think.

If this is the world you are also dreaming of...

but would like a kind, safe and inspiring guide for your journey, then follow your dream HERE.

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Thanks for the love note!

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