Individual Wellness
breathe . move . rest . cleanse . transform . evolve

You will leave any of these sessions with greater Calm, Presence and Clarity at minimum, and quite possibly reversing/ stopping ancient non-beneficial processes... either physical or psycho-emotional-spiritual . Let's get curious about ourselves, our Inner Landscape and engage in Authentic Self Care practices!

Holographic Kinetics
Holographic Kinetics is based on the ancient Aboriginal knowledge of the laws of LORE and the understanding that all things in nature are alive.
how does it work?
Holographic Kinetics looks at the Being as a whole from the level of the Spirit. Holographic Kinetics addresses the current symptomology from the causal point – from the imprinted memory of events, including those passed down from ancestors or from past lives. Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present affect the cycles of the future. These events, thoughts and emotions can become trapped in the body-field.
When we experience intense events and are not able to fully process or integrate them, the thoughts and emotions associated with the event are no longer free flowing universal energy, but rather stall and spiral inward, becoming trapped and transformed into potential energy. This potential energy then crystallizes and aligns itself with platonic geometry to build the first form of matter within the cellular structures of the body and can form into sickness.
The crystal will lock into the stress point of the body in the moment of trauma. Trapped energy is why some people can become emotionally explosive, as the energy swings from potential energy to explosive energy being suddenly released by a trigger.Trapped energy can also eventually manifest as confusion, dysfunction, anti-social behaviour and all manner of other ills or disorders.
By accessing the dimension where the energy was first trapped we are able to release it and therefore let go of the issue. This will stop negative patterns from repeating as the cycle has become completed.

Mandala Light Therapy Systems
Mandala Light Therapy Systems include the world’s most advanced Coherent Laser Light Healing Technology… gently stimulating the body’s innate ability to balance all gross and subtle bodily systems and bring them into fully aligned states of wellness.
The Light Mandala systems were developed by a group of like-minded professionals from a wide range of disciplines including physics, astro-physics, and health care, who set out to produce the most effective and inclusive healing modality possible. In 2009, 500 scholars from various disciplines gathered to bring this vision to fruition via the most current applications and designs. The research of Drs. Rife and Voll were two sources of inspiration for the research and development teams.
The result is the Mandala Light Therapy Systems… including a 16 million colour solid state photon source for Light Therapy which is programmed to recreate the optical light resonances for libraries including periodic table elements, trace minerals, and homeopathic cell salts among others, and outputs the precise colours representing each element.
Light Alchemy combined with the Mandala Scan forms a powerful biofeedback technology that monitors the state of coherence of mind, body and spirit of the client and provides a specific set of the most beneficial optical light resonances to create a finely tuned therapy session tailored to the client’s needs at that time.
The Scan will create a biofeedback system for the Light Therapy Session including the following:
food allergies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, food supplements, physical energy state, emotional state, mental state, organ systems and meridians, chemical toxins, geopathic stress, heavy metals, common elements, trace elements, schussler salts, and bach flower remedies.

Yoni Peristeam Hydrotherapy
Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy is a traditional practice found in indigenous cultures the world over, and is now finding it's place in modern women's health.
Used as a self-care practice and prophylactic for women's reproductive health in all stage of life... from first menses, sexual maturity, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, through perimenopause and menopausal experiences... Yoni Steam Therapy offers support and healing for most of our reproductive system issues.